Credit Repair Services

If you have bad credit, you will find it difficult to get a home loan, car loan or personal loan. Often your application will be turned down, you may have to pay a higher interest rate and at times, your chances of getting a good job will be adversely affected. Most credit repair companies which claim to repair credit do so by either selling a do it yourself kit or by debt consolidation, both of which are not very effective for credit repair.

Unlike these companies, the credit repair services from Repair Your Bad Credit are both affordable and  effective. A nominal one setup fee of $19 is charged and the remaining amount has to be paid in three easy installments of $89 each. In case the customer is not satisfied with these credit repair services, they get their money back and an additional refund of $50 .

Bad credit repair services utilise the provisions in the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act), and the FDCPA (Fair Debts Collections Practices Act) for protecting the rights of the consumer. They write to the credit institution through the credit reporting agency and ask them to provide proof to support a negative entry. If proof is not provided, the negative entry is deleted and the credit score improves.

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