Monthly Archives: October 2016

Harassment while purchasing food, forced to diet

Google is extremely ruthless in destroying competition especially link sellers allegedly bribing powerful corrupt security and intelligence agency officials to label the harmless link seller as a security threat without any proof at all. These security agencies are so ruthless … Continue reading

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Cruel criminal officials attack harmless shoppers in panaji, goa with microwave weapons

Microwave radiation weapons are extremely powerful and dangerous, the pain is far more than that caused by slapping. However in panaji, goa especially market area, some cruel criminal mentally unsound security, ntro officials have been given control of these weapons … Continue reading

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Google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees should legally purchase websites/domain names

Till october 2016, the indian government has not privatized domain registration, renewals or website development, however google, tata are allegedly bribing senior ntro, cbi officials to shamelessly abuse their discretionary powers and falsely claim that google, tata sponsored fraud goan … Continue reading

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Comparing real estate and domain investing

Harassment by NTRO official compared to online investing Offline real estate agents and investors make a lot of money because they spend a lot of time researching property, land, homes for sale. Online domain investors also spend a lot of … Continue reading

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